
Public Warning! To All MLM & Network Marketing Distributors!

Tired Of Harassing Your Friends?Are You Wasting Tons Of Money On sterile "Me-Too" Ads?Does Your Downline Quit & die out Faster Than You Can Sign Them Up?Hello, my name is Al-Yassa and I am the originator of a generic support and training company called BigTeamBigCheck.com. Much of what I'm about to communicate with you may seem a bit "fantastic." so feel free to verify and check out every claim I make. In fact you owe it yourself and your downline. Why? Well, simply because what you are reading now can be the answer to your MLM dreams!Let's face it, your disapproving relatives and stuck in a rut friends are NOT going to make you rich in network marketing! Neither are the brainwashed people you work with at your job. Point blank, you don't need this aggravation! But, we can still hear the misleading chant from so many well intentioned sponsors and Saturday morning trainers: "Make your list of your 100 closest friends and family, then teach them to do the same." The friends and family gig worked great in the 70's and 80's, but we're in the 2000's now. To make a fortune in Iphone 4s Screen Protector MLM today, you gotta get rid of old mentality a start marketing like a "high-tech" marketing expert. Besides, what are you gonna when you run out of friends & family?Here's the truth. If you take a look at the very important networkers in your company or the industry, they're not trying to recruit Aunt Sally or their neighbors. They don't waste time going after the wrong people for their business.The TOP MONEY EARNERS in this industry have ALL mastered the cold market and turn them warm with a massive lead generation system in place that communicates with their prospects. The bottom line is they let the tools & systems do the sifting and sorting for them. They make prospects hunt and chase them down. How would you like that? Imagine 25-50 people daily calling you with credit card in hand ready to join your team! Now you can spend your time "feeding" the system with tons of pre-qualified leads and of course relaxing and enjoying your success.What I'm going to introduce you to can help you market like a true pro. NO MATTER WHAT COMPANY YOU'RE WITH! If you continue reading the aricles I write, you will learn these important factors. Top pros often refer to them as their Motorcycle Goggles "secret weapon", and for good reason. Imagine your organization receiving hundreds of pre-qualified prospects each month to build your business with. These people are actively looking RIGHT NOW for a network marketing opportunity. Maybe yours?I'm going to pull the curtain back and let slip some of the most highly coveted cutting edge training material you'll ever be exposed to. Strategies so darn powerful that when applied diligently, can DOUBLE YOUR DOWNLINE AND TRIPLE YOUR INCOME IN THE NEXT 90 DAYS! Bold statement? Maybe. But I've seen it happen for people over & over again. So stay tuned and you be the judge.

