
FDI International Financial Destination telecom Oppurtunity -Consumers and distributors

Phone, internet and telecommunications services in general can be rather pricy. Your existing dealer may throw on dozens of taxes, fees and surcharges to your statement, in order to make revenue off you. They may even have you sign a contract that forces you to pay a ridiculous amount omoney if you want to swap suppliers before the deal expires. Luckily, there are corporations out there who are looking to change the playing field. Telecommunications is a 4 trillion dollar a year industry. Why deal with a corporation that is trying to clean you out when you can work with a company that wants you to get paid while using your phone and other telecommunications services! FDI International is the company that you are going to want to be with.Not only has FDI International aligned itself with an industry leader to initiate this service, but they have done it to make telecommunications services affordable to everyone. Distributors can make money off of this extraordinary pricing as well, even though it might seem like it is impossible on the surface, there are several different ways to make money, based on what your buyer decides that they want to purchase. If you get connect with FDI International now you can start endorsing their services which include financial services, home phone, office phone, mobile phones and pretty soon even cable and internet! Sports Watches The prices are great, and in this economy, any Android Phones people are searching for anything they can do in order to decrease their costs around their home. An unlimited amount of service on a mobile phone that is provided will cost as little as 23 dollars a month. Another great aspect of this business is that they are offering VOIP and soon also internet access for next to nothing. In fact, their revolutionary VOIP software allows you to make VOIP calls on your existing internet connection, even if it is only a dial-up connection! Many other businesses would make you think that this is not possible, and could only be done with a DSL or cable connection, but through revolutionary software, FDI International is making it feasible for everyone. Yet another impressive part of the services is the mobile phone service. In fact, the phones that users will receive will be able to do video calling. This means that you will be able to see the persons face on the other side of the phone call, so long as they have a corresponding phone. This feature has not been offered before by a mobile phone company

