
Hidden calories

Whether they are the fats sabotaging our weight loss or the grease that was added to the food during preparation, hidden calories are the fat calories that we often overlook in our meals.Trying to win the battle against hidden calories, a dieter has to record the slightest detail of every meal. This detailed list will also include drinks, sugar in coffee or tea, salad dressing, spices, and every other edible that will be digested. Corresponding calorie counts have to be marked and added up at the end of the day, and depending on the amount of calories allowed per day, you may have to revise your food intake practices if you went over your limit. In that case eat more low-calorie nutrients like fresh vegetables and fruits.Eating out is not a good idea when dieting, because you never know what ingredients were used to prepare the dishes. Did they use air angry bird butter, oil or margarine? Were eggs, cheese or mayonnaise added? How much sugar was in that piece of pie? Even in a salad the calories start adding up if our bowl was spiced up with olives, croutons, bacon bits and salad dressing. And do not trust anything marked as “reduced-fat”, as these foods may be less fatty, but may contain a lot more sugar.Other calorie busters are alcoholic beverages, and air swimmer that glass of wine at dinner may cost you an extra 200 calories added to your total meal content. Watch out for fancy coffees, cocktails, sodas, shakes or fruit smoothies, and even sports drinks are not innocent. They may all be spiked with more calories than you had ever imagined.Reading the ingredient list and nutritional content on your groceries can be a good start in your quest to detect and beat those RC Air Swimmers hidden calories that make dieting so difficult. Changing some of your habits may be the next step. Sampling while you are cooking and finishing your children or partner’s plate may also add to those nasty calories that keep slipping you by.

